Excel change pivot table color legend
Excel change pivot table color legend

This chart has 'Total' as its title and 'Total' as the legend > label. But Excel leaves too much space around the legend and between the legend and the rest of the chart. The default placements, at least right and top, are okay. Step 2: Go to the Axis (Categories) section or Legend (Series) section in the Filed List pane, drag all fields out of. When you change the font to a legible size, like 8 pt, the legend moves to near the right position and the chart itself expands to its original size. Under Legend, choose the preferred position from the drop-down menu. And you can do as follows: Step 1: Select the Pivot Chart that you want to change its axis and legends, and then show Filed List pane with clicking. Simply click the chart, then click the Layout tab.

Excel change pivot table color legend series#

MarkN wrote: > Hello, > When I create a pivot chart that is simply a single category field and a > single data items field (no series fields), I get the simple column chart > that I want. It is very easy to change the legend position in Excel. I would rather not have a chance at all even if it takes a minute to render my chart, rather than have to spend that minute manually copying cell references and suffering from the inherent bugs I. When you rearrange the fields using the chart the corresponding pivot table will also change (and visa versa). You can add an expression to the change the text colour or background colour of the Expressions.

excel change pivot table color legend

With the design grid on, right-click the cell and select Custom Format Cell and pick the colour you want.

Excel change pivot table color legend